** Please Read**
If you are upgrading from version 1.2c or older, then
you must first download and install the new
M20 card drivers issued with that version. To upgrade
if you have a version newer than 1.2c, just download the
2000 ISYS Pro v1.2i
This is the latest version of the software and includes
a slightly modified user interface - including accurate
calibration in dB of VU meters. Record to disk functionality
updated. New Maycom logo!
March 1999 ISYS Pro v1.2d
ISYS Pro Version 1.2d is now available. The new software
adds full record-to-disk functionality for the G.722 and
G.711 protocols.
November 1998 ISYS Pro v1.2c
ISYS Pro Version 1.2c is now available. The new software
updates the auto-connect capability of ISYS Pro, and adds
some new features, including support for BWF (Broadcast
Wave Format) files. This update is recommended for all users.